Thursday, August 8, 2013

July 29 – August 3, 2013

Wow was it ever a busy, busy week, Caitlin and I got some shopping done but not before we worked very hard at chores around the house. Along with Garrett we got lawn care done, pressure washing and painting. I don’t have the touch with blower, weed eater or power washer as Rick does so I spend hours trying to start them and get them to run. I am about ready to go out and buy the electric versions – at this point it would be easier to drag the electrical cords told him I will never discount how hard he works outside. I figured we were even with me doing the flower beds ad him the rest – but I was wrong!  

Rick was busy with appointments every day and they are getting things ready for the radiation and chemotherapy. He has made considerable progress in the past week, bilirubin down from 17 to 4.5; he has had the radiation workup so he has permanent markers coordinates along his sides and abdomen. Had a kidney scan, all results were good! He has a very hectic schedule this week of appointments each day for the therapy, doctor appointments and labs. Still concerns with his sugar, that is quite high some days so they have him scheduled to see a doctor later in the month to discuss.

The past week or so has been filled with wonderful visits from friends and family. Our friend Kelly spent the afternoon with us. Rick’s sister Lilian came over and we enjoyed a good lunch of Bob’s Barbeque. It was really great to see her. Over the weekend we spent a wonderful evening with our buds Wendell and Denise and then our favorite “Cedar Grove” friends David and Jennifer Honeycutt drove all the way over to spend the day with us on Sunday. We took them for a short trip to the edge of Bahama for some excitement..LOL – one of things you have to be there!

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