Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday – July 25, 2013

Today Caitlin drove Rick to the Duke Cancer Center – he got measured up and marked with permanent markers on the sides and stomach. Everything is on track for Radiation and Chemo treatment to start in another week, even possible as soon as the end of next week. He is still having some pain and itching - omg all night- but getting on with the treatment has got him all excited to get this show on the road.
He has received some many calls, visitors and cards, and appreciates the so much. They have been very uplifting to him. Rick is very optimistic person and maintains a very positive outlook. His Mother was like that and it was a very much admired trait he loved from her. So we ask for your continued prayers and thank you so much for thinking of us.
Yea - it's weekend time. I am ready, it has been a very busy week with work, then each night household chores. I certainly miss that help Rick has gave me all the years. I managed to get the lawn care done and he did not even criticize any part of it, so you know he was grateful..LOL  He is not the type to see a woman do lawn care so it has bothered him a lot. But as I have told him he has made so much progress in preparation for the treatment that I want nothing to jeopardize his health at this point. I also promised him as soon as the doctor gives him the green light that the grass is all his and I will never offer again!  it has not been that bad. Garrett will be back from his mission trip this weekend so I think he will take care of the weekend. It will be nice to see him return, he has been missed by all of the family. It was a really good trip to Buffalo for him - he got to see Niagara Falls and really help some people during the week of community service. God has a wonderful group of youth at Greystone Baptist Church in Durham.
I have to give our grand daughter Caitlin some big kudos - she has chauffeured Papa back and forth to Duke, drug store and his errands this week. She loves driving and it is to her benefit for her to get the hours she has to have for the next level of an drivers license. She has helped me paint Thursday and Friday nights the porch and carport trim, plus spruced up the metal chairs. All without any complaining - now that is a big deal for Caitlin. She loves doing for you but usually likes to fuss about it some. I am so glad both of them have been helpful to us. I am saving all you friends out there for later during surgery and recovery !!, then I will start calling.
Rick will be going Monday for labs and will update. Hope all have a wonderful weekend.

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