Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Update for Rick

Well some good news, Rick had blood test yesterday and his bilirubin is down to 17, yea! This is getting him on the way to being ready to start his chemo and radiation therapy. Got to get down to 5 level though. So hopefully the stent is finally working well. Saved him from having the surgery of tube inserted in his side. Off to Duke Cancer Center on Thursday and Friday for lot's of scans and test to prepare for the treatment. We really appreciate so many of you calling, cards, coming by to visit and helping us out with offers to help with the lawn, appointments and just being there. We have wonderful sisters that have provided meals when they know we have had a long day at Duke and our wonderful best friends Denise and Wendell Fain. They fed us a wonderful birthday dinner Saturday night and they have been their from the start with words of encouragement. Yes Rick had a birthday this Monday - 59! It was very low keyed and just a night of us resting.

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