Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rick Thursday and Friday

Rick is off to Duke early in the morning, he is having scans and workup for his kidneys. They have been working hard handling the bile that is normally handled by small intestines .The kidneys and liver have been in bad shape for the past month. With the pancreas having problems his sugar level is running high. Duke has him going thru some glucose testing in a week or so. Last couple days he has been very uncomfortable, especially tonight. Pain has been awful tonight with no relief with meds. Last few days he also having pain in his back at his spine area.
Caitlin is going to the hospital tomorrow and Friday, this will give her some driving time to log and so I can work. Saving those days for doctor meetings and surgery.  Rick will be going again Friday morning for CT scans of pancreas for preparation of radiology treatment.
Garrett has called tonight and said last night it was cool enough in Buffalo that he had to wear a hoodie. Hope some of that cool weather comes South!

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