Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19, 2013 Update to Love Blog


Sorry all for not updating the blog the past few weeks, but the day Rick completed the radiation and chemo therapy, we went on a trip up to the mountains. Rick starting feeling really bad that day, we thought maybe it was motion sickness associated with the drive and curves of the mountains. But after we returned it did not improve but seemed to get worst. So the past weeks it has been hectic working at the office and at home since he has not been up to helping much. I never realized how much we do together. We all made one trip over to Stuart VA to the Wood Brothers Racing shop on Friday-August 30th, something that Rick and brother-in law Randy Stone enjoyed very much.

For those that are not very familiar with NASCAR, some facts are that 20 of NASCAR’S Greatest Drivers have driven for Wood Brothers Racing. That list includes Curtis Turner, Tiny Lund, Fireball Roberts, Bob Welborn, Dale Jarrett, A.J. Foyt, Glen Wood, Buddy Baker, Marvin Panch, Junior Johnson, Cale Yarborough, Ned Jarrett, Fred Lorenzen, David Pearson, Joe Weatherly, Ralph Earnhardt, Neil Bonnett, Ricky Rudd, Mark Martin, and Bill Elliott.

Wood Brothers Racing scored their 98th victory, winning the Daytona 500 with rookie sensation, Trevor Bayne. Wood Brothers have now won in seven decades. Len Wood (Glenn’s son) was there that day and sadly had just missed Glenn who makes a daily visit to the museum took a lot of time talking to us.


Rick had to spend the rest of the trip at the house, which was not all bad since the house itself sits on a beautiful mountain top on the Blue Ridge Parkway with views that would make any real estate agent repeat over and over “Location, Location, Location”.  So if you are going to be feeling bad, well at least it is peaceful with beautiful scenery. Overall we enjoyed getting away for a few days along with a good time with my sister Teresa and her family.
Chase Parham, Caitlin, Garrett, Rick Love

Unfortunately since August 29th Rick has felt very bad. The pain is tolerable, just being nauseated and dealing with not being able to keep any food down hardly at all. He continues to lose weight but the past few days it has been some better since the doctor has him back on the Zofran (chemo anti-nausea med) versus the normal nausea medicine as we would take. He started that again last night and we go back over tomorrow to Duke to get meds and quick visit. We have October 10th as the date we go over to get new scans, labs and spend the day going over the surgery with the surgical teams. Since the mass abuts to the portal vein and superior mesenteric vein there will be a vascular surgical team in to take over to redirect and reconstruct the necessary veins and arteries once they are in and see better than the scan allows. The surgery we have been told can be eight to twelve hours and if the veins are involved longer. That day on the 10th we should get the surgery date which should be late Oct to early Nov.

Any of you that work or have worked at the State know they have a Voluntary Shared Leave (VSL) program which I think is really great. It is not a perfect process we found out, especially outside of your division, example Rick is under NC Department of Public Safety and many over at Murdoch or Central Regional that are under DHHS have had some difficulty being able to donate to VSL for Rick. It is a wonderful program and if anyone is interested in VSL donation you can contact Ida Diaz the VSL Benefits Coordinator at 919-716-3684 or at for assistance if your area cannot help you. It is overwhelming the wonderful generosity of several that have donated time to him already. We are very thankful and words here do not begin to express how grateful we are.

Rick wants to be sure to let all know that although he has not been up to many visitors he is hopeful that this break will have him in shape to enjoy more of them very soon. Thank you all for the cards, calls, visits and prayers!

Happy Fall greetings to all J

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dear Friends and Family – been hectic few weeks and so many of you call us or come by, but for the ones that are not near I will give a brief update. Rick is on the third week of chemo/radiation therapy. All is going well medically, his labs are good, but he is weak and tired of feeling bad, the loss of appetite, and staying nauseated most the time. He is pretty fed up with this lying around all the time – Rick is usually on the go so the past couple months of just lying around watching TV or sleeping has him so ready for this to be over with. Unfortunately we are still in the beginning, but I know him – he will tough it out. Only two and half more weeks of therapy then he has an entire month of nothing but getting ready for surgery. Thanks for so many of calling wanting to get with him but I am sure all of you understand that it just has not been timing to go out a lot. He is lucky that he has two days a week that he is up to being out. But soon he may be able to accept those invitations.

We are looking forward to the surgery to know we are getting the cancer out and one more step on recovery, but then as with any surgery that is scary also. At this time we have the first of November as the target timeframe – should be getting a date soon.

We are looking forward to mountain trip soon and that will be a really good pickup for us – we love the mountains and just can’t wait to get to the old familiar farmhouse that we have enjoyed for over 25 years. The location is just about as perfect as you can get – surrounding by hundreds of acres of mountains, Blue Ridge Parkway up on the hill (away enough that we barely can hear the traffic), wild life visiting every day and gorgeous views from the porches and kitchen. We got the favorite haunts we go to – antiquing, country store with the blue grass bands and of course a trip to the local hardware just to see what is going on in the town of Floyd VA. Rick really enjoy's going over to the Woods Bros Racing Museum in Stuart VA. Rick and Mr. Wood chat and it is great seeing the old memories of the Butner Speedway - yes folks - for you younger crowd Butner and Franklington use to have a very active speedway. I got some pics below. We usually trek over to Hillsville for the huge annual flea market; we will just see what the family wants to do once we are there. Last year we had a brief rain storm and then a “double” rainbow (pic above), hope we get one this year. If we don’t we still have many more things to smile about. Just remembering each day the blessings we receive. As one of my favorite quotes goes “Each day is a gift, that is why it is called the present”

Enjoy the pics and we will be thinking of each of you. Thanks for the many cards, calls, visits, emails and let us not forget Facebook – omg!, Rick has enjoyed that – Fb was not his thing till his buddy Johnny encouraged him – he has enjoyed connecting up with people that he has not spoken to or seen for years. But then it is somewhat overwhelming at times, so be patient if he does not get back to you.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday – August 8, 2013

Well we are almost through a week of treatment and Rick is handling things very well. We want to thank all the family and friends that continue to come by, send cards and calls. We love the prayers and so grateful to have such wonderful family and friends at this time.

Monday – August 5, 2013


Today Rick started the radiation and chemo therapy at Duke Cancer Center. The tumor is a 3.0 x 2.7 cm mass in head of the pancreas consistent with recent diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. This mass questionably abuts the portal vein and superior mesenteric vein. No evidence of metastatic disease to the chest or pelvis, so that is great news! But the results do mention the lymph nodes being involved as expected with Stage 2 to Stage 3 pancreatic cancer. So glad that he has been able to get better and ready for the radiation/chemo treatments, sooner we can start killing the cancer cells the better!

The grandchildren who have been so good in helping us out will be taking turns going with him each day. Next week he is expected to have a set time for the radiation therapy at 7:00 AM thru September 9th.

July 29 – August 3, 2013

Wow was it ever a busy, busy week, Caitlin and I got some shopping done but not before we worked very hard at chores around the house. Along with Garrett we got lawn care done, pressure washing and painting. I don’t have the touch with blower, weed eater or power washer as Rick does so I spend hours trying to start them and get them to run. I am about ready to go out and buy the electric versions – at this point it would be easier to drag the electrical cords told him I will never discount how hard he works outside. I figured we were even with me doing the flower beds ad him the rest – but I was wrong!  

Rick was busy with appointments every day and they are getting things ready for the radiation and chemotherapy. He has made considerable progress in the past week, bilirubin down from 17 to 4.5; he has had the radiation workup so he has permanent markers coordinates along his sides and abdomen. Had a kidney scan, all results were good! He has a very hectic schedule this week of appointments each day for the therapy, doctor appointments and labs. Still concerns with his sugar, that is quite high some days so they have him scheduled to see a doctor later in the month to discuss.

The past week or so has been filled with wonderful visits from friends and family. Our friend Kelly spent the afternoon with us. Rick’s sister Lilian came over and we enjoyed a good lunch of Bob’s Barbeque. It was really great to see her. Over the weekend we spent a wonderful evening with our buds Wendell and Denise and then our favorite “Cedar Grove” friends David and Jennifer Honeycutt drove all the way over to spend the day with us on Sunday. We took them for a short trip to the edge of Bahama for some excitement..LOL – one of things you have to be there!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday – July 25, 2013

Today Caitlin drove Rick to the Duke Cancer Center – he got measured up and marked with permanent markers on the sides and stomach. Everything is on track for Radiation and Chemo treatment to start in another week, even possible as soon as the end of next week. He is still having some pain and itching - omg all night- but getting on with the treatment has got him all excited to get this show on the road.
He has received some many calls, visitors and cards, and appreciates the so much. They have been very uplifting to him. Rick is very optimistic person and maintains a very positive outlook. His Mother was like that and it was a very much admired trait he loved from her. So we ask for your continued prayers and thank you so much for thinking of us.
Yea - it's weekend time. I am ready, it has been a very busy week with work, then each night household chores. I certainly miss that help Rick has gave me all the years. I managed to get the lawn care done and he did not even criticize any part of it, so you know he was grateful..LOL  He is not the type to see a woman do lawn care so it has bothered him a lot. But as I have told him he has made so much progress in preparation for the treatment that I want nothing to jeopardize his health at this point. I also promised him as soon as the doctor gives him the green light that the grass is all his and I will never offer again!  it has not been that bad. Garrett will be back from his mission trip this weekend so I think he will take care of the weekend. It will be nice to see him return, he has been missed by all of the family. It was a really good trip to Buffalo for him - he got to see Niagara Falls and really help some people during the week of community service. God has a wonderful group of youth at Greystone Baptist Church in Durham.
I have to give our grand daughter Caitlin some big kudos - she has chauffeured Papa back and forth to Duke, drug store and his errands this week. She loves driving and it is to her benefit for her to get the hours she has to have for the next level of an drivers license. She has helped me paint Thursday and Friday nights the porch and carport trim, plus spruced up the metal chairs. All without any complaining - now that is a big deal for Caitlin. She loves doing for you but usually likes to fuss about it some. I am so glad both of them have been helpful to us. I am saving all you friends out there for later during surgery and recovery !!, then I will start calling.
Rick will be going Monday for labs and will update. Hope all have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rick Thursday and Friday

Rick is off to Duke early in the morning, he is having scans and workup for his kidneys. They have been working hard handling the bile that is normally handled by small intestines .The kidneys and liver have been in bad shape for the past month. With the pancreas having problems his sugar level is running high. Duke has him going thru some glucose testing in a week or so. Last couple days he has been very uncomfortable, especially tonight. Pain has been awful tonight with no relief with meds. Last few days he also having pain in his back at his spine area.
Caitlin is going to the hospital tomorrow and Friday, this will give her some driving time to log and so I can work. Saving those days for doctor meetings and surgery.  Rick will be going again Friday morning for CT scans of pancreas for preparation of radiology treatment.
Garrett has called tonight and said last night it was cool enough in Buffalo that he had to wear a hoodie. Hope some of that cool weather comes South!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Update for Rick

Well some good news, Rick had blood test yesterday and his bilirubin is down to 17, yea! This is getting him on the way to being ready to start his chemo and radiation therapy. Got to get down to 5 level though. So hopefully the stent is finally working well. Saved him from having the surgery of tube inserted in his side. Off to Duke Cancer Center on Thursday and Friday for lot's of scans and test to prepare for the treatment. We really appreciate so many of you calling, cards, coming by to visit and helping us out with offers to help with the lawn, appointments and just being there. We have wonderful sisters that have provided meals when they know we have had a long day at Duke and our wonderful best friends Denise and Wendell Fain. They fed us a wonderful birthday dinner Saturday night and they have been their from the start with words of encouragement. Yes Rick had a birthday this Monday - 59! It was very low keyed and just a night of us resting.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

As many of you family and friends Rick has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. More than 85% of pancreatic cancers are classified as exocrine tumors. Within this category, the vast majority of tumors are adenocarcinomas. Adenocarcinoma accounts for 90% of all pancreatic cancers. It begins in cells lining the pancreatic duct. Adenocarcinomas may form glands, or a collection of cells surrounding empty cells. Rick has a tumor measuring approximately 2cm near in the head of the pancreas at the bile duct so although Duke Cancer Center doctors have told us not to focus on stage as much as rather the cancer is resectable (can be surgically removed). They are at this time giving us between stage 2 and 3. We are hopeful that Rick started experiencing problems early enough and with a wonderful primary physician (Dr. Eugene Linfors) and all the wonderful team at Duke Cancer Center that have been assigned to him that we are have a plan and on the way to Rick having a good prognosis. We have busy with doctor and lab appointments. We have had the CT Scans, blood work and various procedures that will have him on the way to treatment soon. HIs problem at this time is his bilirubin level. For the ones that see him he is very jaundiced, due to his bilirubin level at 22.9 and the treatment cannot start till it is at a level 5 or below. Rick has had three ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) procedures. This is to treat the blocked bile duct and the last stent inserted was a larger metal stent but we have not seen the change yet so it may be necessary this week to insert a caterer to drain the bile externally. So he is experiencing pain, fatigue and severe itching. Trying to manage all that with meds, lotion and some good rub downs. The plan with his team at this time is as soon as the bilirubin decreases to a level to lower his liver and other organs being compromised is to start with 5 1/2 weeks of chemo and radiation treatment with a target first of August. This is to help kills cancer cells from further spreading and dividing. With pancreatic cancer this is the biggest issue. After this treatment they are planning for him to rest and get prepared after 3 to 4 weeks to have surgery. His surgeon team is planning on the Whipple procedure; it is the most commonly performed surgery to remove tumors in the pancreas. This is a procedure that is luckily successful for tumors in the head of the pancreas and involves the surgeon removing most of the pancreas (leave the tail since it is cancer free at this time and your body requires on 10% of functioning pancreas), gallbladder, small portion of the stomach and small intestines and the lymph nodes. The surgery can be 8 to 11 hours; a lot also depends on any possible veins involved so a vascular surgeon team will be on hand during. His hospital stay can be 9 to 11 days with 3 months recovery time and then they plan on 6 weeks of chemo therapy intravenously. So as you can see we have a long and tough road that will take us in to mid February 2014. But we are blessed with so many friends and family to walk this path with us. We want to thank all for your prayers and already the wonderful offers of assistance.
Here goes the blog for Rick and Janet Love in Butner, NC. A lot happens with our family and to be able to share news with family and friends we think this may be the idea choice. We can note the link in our texts or FaceBook when we update news and pics.

The pic is our grandchildren Garrett and Caitlin Love at Myrtle Beach this spring break. Yes they can be adorable and like each other at times.